Estate Planning
At Blackacre Law LLC in Greenville, South Carolina, we know that financial security and peace of mind are important to our clients. This is why our firm provides thoughtful estate planning services for individuals, couples and families. By taking the time now to consider these matters, you can go a long way toward eliminating any confusion or controversy in the event of an unthinkable accident or serious medical condition.
Attention to detail is critical when it comes to matters such as estate administration and the drafting of deeds. Errors in drafting or recording deeds, or disputes from family members regarding the validity of a will, can serve to delay the settlement of an estate and tie it up in probate court.
The best way to handle these problems is to avoid such mistakes in the first place. The lawyers at Blackacre Law LLC handle estate planning matters, such as will preparation, which can greatly reduce the ambiguity and uncertainty that may surround a person’s estate.
Don’t Leave Your Family’s Security To Chance
The estate planning attorneys at Blackacre Law LLC can help you create documents such as:
- A will, where you can specify how your estate should be distributed upon your death
- A power of attorney designation, in which you choose a representative to make financial decisions on your behalf if you are unable to make them yourself
- A healthcare power of attorney designation, which authorizes a person you choose to make decisions about your medical treatment if you are incapacitated
- An advance healthcare directive, also known as a living will, which informs your health care or palliative care team of your end-of-life choices
It might be that you will not need to use any of these documents for many years, if at all. However, if something happens to you and your wishes are not known, important decisions — such as who should raise your children in the event of your death — could be made in a courtroom, rather than by you.
It is never too early, or too late, to begin the estate planning process. Contact Blackacre Law LLC at 864-775-5400 to learn more, or complete and submit our online contact form.