You and your spouse have been searching for months for the perfect home. It has been an arduous process, but you finally step into an adorable cape that meets all your needs. You put in your offer to the seller and immediately call your parents to tell them the good…
Estate Planning
Do Sellers Pay Closing Costs in SC?
The decision to purchase a home is not one that should be taken lightly. Closing costs may sneak up on a first-time homebuyer, who may not realize that the downpayment is only part of what needs to be set aside to purchase a home. Both the seller and buyer will…
What should I do with my real estate after I die?
For most people, real estate is the most valuable asset they own. When you are creating your estate plan so you can pass your assets to the next generation, you will have to consider what to do with your real estate. Keep it in the family? Sell it? There are several...
The top 5 estate-planning documents you need to secure your future
The estate-planning process is complex and involves more than just a will. Make sure you have several specific documents ready in the unlikely event of your death. 1. Last will and testament Create a will if you do nothing else. Identify your personal representative...
3 signs your father may be vulnerable to undue influence
If your elderly father is writing a will, forming a trust or undertaking any other estate planning process, he is doing better than most. In fact, according to a recent study, almost 70% of Americans have not written even a simple will to address ownership of assets...
Two POAs ensure you and your family can manage unexpected events
You may be enjoying family life as a young parent, or you may be looking forward to the onset of your retirement years. What happens if you become incapacitated due to an accident? What happens if dementia clouds your retirement picture? Two power of attorney...
Keep the cyber crooks’ hands off your estate funds
Your nest egg may have grown comfortably, and you want it to be there for you when you need it. You most likely also want assurance that your heirs receive the amount left in the account after you pass away. Unfortunately, cybercriminals may have other intentions for...
4 times you should review your advance directives
Living wills and medical powers of attorney are two common types of advance directives. With a living will, you inform your family members, friends and health care professionals about which medical procedures you want and do not want doctors to use to sustain your...